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  国际织物保养学会(IFI)首席执行官 威廉·费诗 的贺辞         

国际织物保养学会(IFI)首席执行官 威廉·费诗 的贺辞
[ 作者:cfi    转贴自:Internet    点击数:2480    更新时间:2001-1-1    文章录入:admin

    Ni how ma?

    On behalf of the entire staff of IFI, I wold like to extend my warm-hearted congratulations to CFI on your success in every aspect of your endeavor to make the Chinese drycleaning and laundry industry better, my special congratulations to you for your beautiful magazine, the International Laundry Digest, which I think is the first of its kind ever published in China and is by far one of the best publications related to the drycleaning and laundry industry throughout the world.

    It was due to your own initiative, you started from scratch organizing the China Fabricare Institute, recruiting new members under the mutual agreement between CFI and IFI. IFI, as a leading international trade association with vast facilities and resources, has been more than willing to share its know-how as well as information with CFI in your selfless devotion and dedication toward the modernization of the Chinese drycleaning industry.

    Needless to say, your hard work started to bear the fruits already. The new CFI board was formed with 6 well-qualified board members elected, representing different regions and the membership has been growing steadily. You laid the solid foundation to build a brighter future of drycleaning industry in China.

    Please be assured that IFI will continue to support your endeavor and your various programs to provide the Chinese drycleaning community with hands-on training, and under our mutual respect and concerted effort, we can make changes for better life for the generations to come.

    Congratulations on your remarkable success once again!



    正是由于你们的首创精神,你们白手起家,组建了国际织物保养学会中国区机构CFI,按IFI和CFI协议招募新会员。国际织物保养学会,作为一个居领导地位的国际行业协会,拥有广泛的设施和资源。在CFI无私地促进中国洗衣业的现代化进程中, IFI非常愿意与CFI分享IFI的专利技术和信息。





国际织物保养学会(IFI)首席执行官 威廉·费诗 zSpecial Message by William E. Fisher Chief Executive Officer International Fabricare Institute

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